Praying for Our Leaders

When it comes to politics, there might be no more consistent theme in Scripture than this one: pray for your leaders.

While parts of the Old Testament give detailed instructions for the people of Israel about how to live well together, the New Testament is largely written to the people of God living under the rule of other nations. So the most consistent instructions given for political life are seemingly passive: pray for your leaders. 1 Timothy 2:1-4 tells the people of God to offer “petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving” for all those “in authority” so that they may live “peaceful and quiet lives.” Ephesians 6:12 tells us that we do not wrestle against flesh and blood but against “the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.” And in the midst of all of Revelation’s sobering descriptions of human power turned against God, the persecuted saints are shown offering up their pleas and prayers to God (8:1-5).

Our prayers to our leaders can be honest: we can pray against the evil we see them doing, we can pray for them to be convicted of sin and repent, we can cry out to God about the disorder and division around us. But our prayers can also keep us from hating our leaders in an ungodly way. They can help us remember that our leaders are still made in God’s image, and that it is ultimately God who will judge them.

This instruction to pray for our leaders is not passive or disengaged. God still moves in his creation, and we can petition him for justice and peace.


Psalms in 30 Days: a book that guides you through the psalms and gives daily prayers from church history

How to pray for your government leaders | World Vision


Almighty God, we often feel powerless to change our world, our nation, even our communities. We ask that you would give our leaders wisdom, guidance, and right judgment. We pray that you would give them courage to make unpopular decisions when necessary, compassion for people suffering, and wisdom about important decisions. When they act wrongly, God, we ask that your Holy Spirit would convict their hearts and lead them to repentance. When they face consequences for righteousness, we ask that you would comfort and provide for them. We know that our nation will not last, God, but we ask that you give our leaders the wisdom they need to care for the vulnerable, lead with integrity, and seek justice.

Moment of Joy


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