Election Coverage

Here’s a collection of news relevant to the election.

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Civic Revival with Matthew Hudson

Written by Matthew Hudson in partnership with The AND Campaign

This election season, The AND Campaign has created the Civic Revival Tour - a dynamic movement aimed at reinvigorating civic engagement and promoting civil discourse across the nation. They are not only hosting events around the country, but they have their own weekly devotional series. You can learn more and sign up here. This week’s Holy Post Voter guide is adapted from The AND Campaign’s Civic Revival Guide.

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“Every bombed village is my hometown”

by Todd Deatherage

Editorial Note: Last week, I returned from a trip to Israel/Palestine with a small group of U.S. Christians led by Todd Deatherage from the Telos Group. In the coming weeks, I will be sharing a series of reflections about the trip in the form of articles (available to everyone) and SkyePOD episodes (available to Holy Post Plus subscribers). To begin, and as an overview of the trip, I'm sharing this article written by Todd Deatherage originally posted on the Telos Group website and reposted here with his permission. Todd was my guest on Holy Post episode 593, and the Feb 26 episode of the SkyePOD where we discussed the history of the conflict and the current war in Gaza. I look forward to sharing more with you soon. - Skye Jethani

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Does Romans 13 say we have to obey the government?

If there is one biblical passage American Christians know to use when it comes to politics, it's Romans 13. It's been used in countless political debates and has been cited to justify anything from immigration policy at the border to condemning the Black Lives Matter protests in 2020. Kaitlyn Schiess takes us all the way back to the Revolutionary War to show us the history of how Americans have interpreted this chapter and what that history can teach us today.

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How to Disagree Well

From Episode 610, Kaitlyn sits down with John Inazu to discuss his newest book, "Learning to Disagree: The Surprising Path to Navigating Differences with Empathy and Respect"

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How would Jesus Fight the Culture War?

From Episode 532, Pastor Mike Erre gives his thoughts about how Jesus would fight the culture war.

"Somehow we have gotten it in our heads that the agenda of Jesus is more important than manifesting the fruit of Jesus' spirit. We think it's perfectly acceptable to cease acting Christian in order to accomplish Christian goals."

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The Torah is Pro-Immigrant. Nehemiah Was Not.

By Carmen Imes :: Imagine this real moment in human history: A nation is just emerging from a long economic depression after losing a war they believe they should have won. The ascendancy of other powers weakens their ability to self-govern, making them appear feeble on the international scene. That leadership vacuum contributes to a long period of listlessness and disillusionment. Others bully them. But a strong leader appears and begins to arrest public attention.

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French Friday: Biden's Age & MAGA's Violence

David and Skye discuss the upcoming primary election—if most people agree that Biden is too old to hold office, why hasn’t he stepped down? Would a different vice president give voters more confidence? Pastors, doctors, and politicians are routinely threatened with physical violence by MAGA—is this our fault for not standing up publicly against this behavior?

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Is Biden's Age Fair Game for the Critics?

Everyone can see that Biden's age is diminishing his abilities, but is it ok to talk about that, or should we ignore it since the alternative is worse? David French and Skye Jethani talk about the upcoming election and how neither candidate inspires much confidence right now.

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Market-Driven Christianity & Abortion Beyond Politics with Angela Weszely

A new book argues that the rise and decline of the Contemporary Christian Music industry helps explain the political idolatry of many Christians, and Karen Swallow Prior says the biblical manhood industry is a scam. These stories lead Phil, Skye, and Kaitlyn to discuss whether American evangelicalism is defined more by consumer markets than by theology.

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Did God Write the Constitution?

We know the Bible was divinely inspired, but what about the Constitution? This once fringe idea is now growing among conservative evangelicals. Skye explains the history of the Constitution's origin and why the belief that God wrote it is more harmful than we might realize.

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The Politics of Fear & Rethinking the Cross with Brian Zahnd

Well, here we are again. The very same arguments that were rolled out by MAGA Christian leaders to justify supporting Donald Trump in 2016 and 2020 are back again in 2024. A new article in the Christian Post says America’s survival depends on Christians voting for Trump. Why do these fear tactics still work? Then, it’s true that all politicians lie, but PolitiFacts says Trump is a league of his own. And scientists explain why negative polarization in our politics may have evolutionary origins.

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Rejecting Fear Based Politics

Politicians use othering, aversion, and moralization to shape our political landscape and influence public opinion, but the cross teaches that even when it looks like there is no positive way out, we can still have hope.

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Trump: The Art of Deception

It’s true that all politicians lie, but PolitiFacts says Trump is a league of his own. No Politician has lied as much as Trump, and he's been doing it since the 80s.

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Trump, Fear Tactics, and America's Survival

A recent Christian Post article claims that Christians have to vote for Trump because their values and America's survival is at stake. The team breaks down the problem with these fear tactic arguments that have been around since 2016.

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Never Church Evangelicals and Hopeful Politics with Michael Wear

Evangelical voters have long supported Republican candidates, but who identifies as an evangelical Christian has changed over the years. A recent article written in The New York Times by Ruth Graham and Charles Homans argues that Trump is attracting a different kind of evangelical - one who loves their country and believes in God, but doesn’t actually go to church.

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The Border Is a Mess. What Can Christians Do?

By Matthew Soerens :: I recently joined several Holy Post cohosts and pundits for an immersion experience along the U.S.-Mexico border. I’ve visited different points along the border at least a dozen times, but each visit leaves me wrestling with the question: What can be done?

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Racism and Immigration

By Skye Jethani :: America's immigration policy has made the country a lot less white and Christian than it used to be. Is this diversity something to celebrate, or something to fear, resist, and, if possible, reverse? Skye Jethani talks about immigration policy, how it's changed in the last century, how those policies have changed America, what role racism has played, and how Christians should think about immigration today.

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