Election Coverage

Here’s a collection of news relevant to the election.

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“Every bombed village is my hometown”

by Todd Deatherage

Editorial Note: Last week, I returned from a trip to Israel/Palestine with a small group of U.S. Christians led by Todd Deatherage from the Telos Group. In the coming weeks, I will be sharing a series of reflections about the trip in the form of articles (available to everyone) and SkyePOD episodes (available to Holy Post Plus subscribers). To begin, and as an overview of the trip, I'm sharing this article written by Todd Deatherage originally posted on the Telos Group website and reposted here with his permission. Todd was my guest on Holy Post episode 593, and the Feb 26 episode of the SkyePOD where we discussed the history of the conflict and the current war in Gaza. I look forward to sharing more with you soon. - Skye Jethani

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