Election Coverage

Here’s a collection of news relevant to the election.

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The Torah is Pro-Immigrant. Nehemiah Was Not.

By Carmen Imes :: Imagine this real moment in human history: A nation is just emerging from a long economic depression after losing a war they believe they should have won. The ascendancy of other powers weakens their ability to self-govern, making them appear feeble on the international scene. That leadership vacuum contributes to a long period of listlessness and disillusionment. Others bully them. But a strong leader appears and begins to arrest public attention.

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Racism and Immigration

By Skye Jethani :: America's immigration policy has made the country a lot less white and Christian than it used to be. Is this diversity something to celebrate, or something to fear, resist, and, if possible, reverse? Skye Jethani talks about immigration policy, how it's changed in the last century, how those policies have changed America, what role racism has played, and how Christians should think about immigration today.

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